CubCare - Online Refresher Antenatal Course

Go into pregnancy, birth and parenting more than one child with confidence and enjoyment

Refresh your antenatal education, or learn a different approach to birth, and understand how to parent more than one.

The ultimate antenatal course and support package for second and beyond births and babies.

A unique antenatal course for those who are already a parent and expecting again.

Does this sound like you?

• You're pregnant again and wondering if birth can be different.

• You're worrying how you can recover and parent an older one!

• You're wondering how to prepare your older one for the change.

• You don't understand how to deal with a crying baby and tantruming toddler?!

What if things could be amazing?

Birth, and parenting more than one, IS something we can feel calm and confident about.

Do you want a different birth and postnatal experience this time?

Nobody can predict what will happen when you are in labour. But, you CAN face baby’s birth day with knowledge, feeling in control and with several pain-busting strategies under your belt. You can rock your birth and postnatal period, even if the going gets tough.

Do you want a fantastic understanding of your body and the way birth works?

Knowledge is power. Understanding how your body works and the things you can do to make your own experience better is so important. Too often, we're taught that birth is a process that happens that we have no control over - but there is SO much we can do to stack the cards in our favour.

Do you want to be fully prepared for any eventuality?

When it comes to birth, recovery, baby's early days and getting used to the new family unit - anything could happen! But to learn what could happen, and how to navigate these things with tools and strategies is the best way to prepare.

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

But you can feel confident about the whole thing. And it all starts by understanding that all pregnancies, births, postnatal journeys and babies are different.

What happened last time does not need to dictate this journey, this birth. You can achieve an amazing, positive birth, on your terms. And when you have a positive birth, the early days of parenting are that much easier.

We'll take you through everything you need to know when preparing for a second/third/fourth (etc.!) baby. How to keep any feelings of stress, anxiety or loss of control to a minimum! How to approach pregnancy with the end goal in mind, and how to navigate the maternity system to get your desired outcome.

You already know that the way your birth impacts your early parenting journey. You already know how it can take a while to find your confidence.

Taking control of your own journey is so important.

Which is why I'm SO excited to introduce our:

Refresher Antenatal Course

The biggest transformations happen when we feel confident, prepared and in control. Taking things one step at a time and always keeping the end goal in mind. There are certain things in this life that we can "wing" and get away with it, but birth and parenting don't have to be those things. This course will guide you through the pregnancy journey. Helping you to plan for appointments, for your birth, for recovery and those early days juggling two or more children with different needs!

Planning is the key to managing life with two or more children. And this course will help you to discover that there are many other useful tools and techniques that will help too!


Different Pregnancy, Different Baby

We'll think about how this pregnancy might different from any previous times. We'll answer some common questions and start thinking about what preparations are best to think about as early as possible during your pregnancy. Things like when to tell your children and how to navigate that.


Navigating Pregnancy

We'll get into appointments and birth rights, easy daily exercises both alone and with a birth partner, and hypnobirthing breathing and relaxation exercises to prepare for the best possible pregnancy and birth experience.


Labour and Birth

This is where we go deep - we'll cover everything you need to know for pregnancy and birth. All the locations, situations (vaginal, VBAC, c-section, induction, augmentation), pain relief (medical and non-medical), hypnobirthing, movements...everything.


Birth Partners

Birth partners are so important we have a whole module just for them. While we encourage birth partners to access the whole course, this section is to prepare them to support you fully for the whole journey, and after birth too.


Postnatal recovery and 4th trimester

From the moment baby is born, through the recovery phase and into the 4th trimester. We'll help you navigate the 4th trimester and recovery with confidence and tools.


Preparing your children

We'll get into the deep conversations about when and how to tell children that a baby is on the way, how to navigate getting them involved in the preparations, how to handle the first introductions. You'll also find a host of tips for encouraging a blossoming relationship between baby and child/ren.


Life with two or more!

We'll get into the details about juggling life with more than one child. Managing conflict and lots of crying, juggling naps and bedtime, bath time and getting out and about. We'll also talk about 1:1 time and what you can do to manage tricky behaviour from older ones.

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Join now for just £95

Special offer:

Refresher Course plus Babywearing 101

Babywearing, carrying your baby in a sling or carrier will be your best friend when you have more than one child.

Jilly, our Babywearing Consultant will take you through everything you need to know.

Our Babywearing 101 course will take you through the different types of carriers, guides on how to wear them to ensure safety and comfort. And tips for feeding in a carrier too.

Usually £21, but just £11 when bought as our must have package.

We had a successful home birth on Sunday (born on baby’s due date!), which was a good thing as it was only 1.5hrs of established labour!

Big brother can say her name, and sometimes is quite affectionate toward her, but other times says “no baby” and tries to push her away – it’s early days!

— Rachel

This labour was SO much better than the first. Your refresher antenatal course helped so much for the labour, it was much calmer than the first and much more controlled. The breathing techniques were so helpful – I breathed her out!

— Sarah

We were so glad we chose this course. Comprehensive without being too overwhelming, and really set us up to feel prepared and react calmly to the inevitable hiccups of birth and the first days with a new baby.

— Aki

Hi, I'm Jilly and I am your teacher...

I know the power of good antenatal education, I've been a hypnobirthing, active birth and antenatal teacher since 2014. I have created this course to incorporate the best there is to offer.

There is so little support and education available for those who have given birth before, but you need just as much support and empowerment as first time parents to be!

I came into this business after a difficult birth experience with my first, and wanted to find a different way for any future babies I had.

I discovered how amazing it is to combine hypnobirthing and body mechanics science. Safe to say, my second birth experience was a world away from my first – and one I still smile about now, 8 years on! And what I didn't anticipate is how much better my postnatal and parenting experience was, because I'd had a birth where I felt in control.

What I learned is that when you do proper research ahead of time and put together a properly informed birth plan, when you understand the birth process and how to work with your body, when you have a whole bunch of tricks up your sleeve for coping with labour sensations…you can turn any birth journey into a positive one.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We're so confident that you'll love this course and the education we provide that if you don’t enjoy the content and you’ve completed less than 20% of it, within the first two weeks after purchase, you can receive a full refund. You just need to send us an email within the two weeks and we'll do the rest.


Do you need antenatal classes for second baby?

It depends how well prepared last time, and how your birth went. But generally, the answer is, yes, it certainly can’t hurt. Our CubCare Refresher Antenatal Course will give you a bunch of tools and techniques that maybe you didn’t know last time. Or refresh your memory (parenting takes a lot of brain power, it is so normal for the skills and knowledge you learnt at your previous antenatal classes to be forgotten).

I am planning another caesarean birth is this class still worth it?

Yes absolutely! This course covers pregnancy, birth and also managing more than one baby through the 4th trimester. There are so many reasons why our refresher antenatal course is so important if you are planning another c-section. The course will give you tips on managing recovery whilst juggling other children, and will provide hints and tips for making life easier after a c-section. Depending on the reason why a caesarean might be the best option for you, there may be a chance that your baby has other ideas before the date. So, having prepared for all eventualities you will be calmer and feeling more in control of the situation.

I'm not based in the UK, is this course still useful?

Yes! Birth is birth, wherever you are. We cover, in real depth, hypnobirthing, active birth, and medical aspects of birth too so everything is covered. There is mention of NHS practices and appointments, although it will be easy for you to find this out for your location.

Is this useful for birth partners to learn about everything?

There's a whole section for birth partners, giving them their own tips for birth, the different stages, things to look out for, getting them used to the breathing techniques and most importantly giving them practical tips to help you in pregnancy, during birth and in the postnatal days too!

How long do I get access to this course?

You'll have access for 12 months from purchase.

When should I start this course?

Traditionally, antenatal classes would ideally start from 30-32 weeks pregnant. However we work differently in that we believe it is never to early to get educated and learn how to navigate the antenatal system, as well as dealing with the birth. You'll find education in the course right from your booking appointment. But it is never too late either, so join us whenever you are ready.  

What topics are included in this course?


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