Free Antenatal Classes

A positive birth comes from positive preparation and these free antenatal classes can help

This is the collection of some of the best free antenatal education and classes you will find online.

Antenatal education that helps you find trust and confidence in yourself should be available to everybody. So below is a resource guide including all of my best free resources for antenatal and baby development.

My in person antenatal and baby classes are in Welwyn Hatfield, Hertfordshire. But I also offer on-demand antenatal courses if you're further afield.

CubCare Free Antenatal Classes image on devices

Why Choose CubCare for your free Antenatal Classes?

I'm Jilly, and I know the power of good antenatal education. I've been a hypnobirthing, active birth and antenatal teacher since 2014. I have created these free antenatal education snippets to start you on your journey.

There is so little quality support and education out there for free. The NHS Antenatal Classes are useful, and I always recommend accessing every free option you can when it comes to antenatal classes. But NHS Antenatal classes often push a medical agenda, and continue the myth that there is no point in creating a birth plan because birth is unplannable - this is fundamentally untrue.

I came into this business after a difficult birth experience with my first, and wanted to find a different way for any future babies I had. I did the NHS antenatal classes in person and felt like I didn't get any new information. Similarly, I did NCT antenatal classes and left feeling the same - and I didn't even get a support network as there was nobody on the same wavelength as me!

Before getting pregnant with my second baby, I discovered how amazing it is to combine hypnobirthing and body mechanics science. Safe to say, my second birth experience was a world away from my first – and one I still smile about now, 8 years on! And what I didn't anticipate is how much better my postnatal and parenting experience was, because I'd had a birth where I felt in control.

What I learned is that when you do proper research ahead of time and put together a properly informed birth plan, when you understand the birth process and how to work with your body, when you have a whole bunch of tricks up your sleeve for coping with labour sensations…you can turn any birth journey into a positive one.

While there aspects of birth you cannot control, there is a whole host of elements you CAN control - and it just involves a little effort, planning and a lot of knowledge.

Jilly Clarke, founder of CubCare Antenatal and Baby, smiling at the camera

Why offer Free AntenatalClasses and Education?

Because everybody should feel confident and completely prepared for the most common curveballs.

People are in different mindsets when it comes to preparing for birth. Some people want to learn everything they can about everything they can. Some people see antenatal classes as something to tick off their list, not really researching what they'll learn. Some people prioritise baby showers or babymoons and don't do any antenatal classes. Some people don't understand how important it is to do your research and learn about the birth process and what you can do to take control of what's happening.

Whatever camp you fall into is totally your choice! But you're looking for something more, that's why you're here.

Considering education and support can make a huge difference to your journey to becoming a parent. We all “wing it”, but it’s easier to do that with some knowledge behind you.

But not everybody is in a position to afford quality support and education – again, I totally get it.

There is a way to get quality antenatal education without a high cost though. There IS a chance for you to understand the most important aspects of birth and parenting without spending any money.

What education have we got?

Pregnancy and Birth in Welwyn Hatfield

Your focused guide to pregnancy and birth in Welwyn Hatfield. Your guide for antenatal classes, appointments, birth location options (Lister, Barnet, home) and so much more.

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Pregnancy Planner

Free Pregnancy Planner to help you prepare for a little one. Prepare your body, your mind, your finances and your home. Get organised, feel good and prepare for an active, positive birth.

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Expecting Again Guide

Your ultimate guide to preparing for another birth and an extra baby. Our top tips for navigating pregnancy and birth, and helping your older ones to transition into their new role as a big sibling.

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Birth Partner Guide

Your ultimate guide to being the best birth partner during pregnancy, birth and recovery. Learn what you need to do, and what you need to learn to be the best birth partner possible.

CubCare Labour And Birth Antenatal Class Introduction

Labour and Birth

Watch our introduction to antenatal education webinar, our labour and birth overview - to start your antenatal education journey. Understanding the process, and what you can do to influence it.

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"Our little lady arrived on Sunday evening and we couldn’t be happier! I stayed home until the contractions were intense and close together, my waters broke in the car. I felt the urge to push in the car park and 45 min later she was in my arms!! The breathing techniques were amazing and all I needed. Thank you Jilly for giving me the confidence to have the best birthing experience possible."


Jo - Refresher antenatal classes, Welwyn Hatfield. Birthing at Barnet hospital birth centre.


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