Caesarean Antenatal Course Online

The on-demand C-section mini antenatal course

If you are planning a C-section, or wanting to prepare for a potential C-section then this mini course will give you all the information you need.

This mini caesarean section antenatal course will help you understand the process, your choices and give you the knowledge to make it a positive experience.

We'll help you prepare your body and mind for the potential for a caesarean, and we'll discuss what might happen if you go into labour before a planned C-section.

We'll also talk about recovery from a C-section too so you're fully prepared.

Does this sound like you?

• You're unsure about what to expect during a C-section operation and the recovery process.

• You want to learn how to make a caesarean a positive and enjoyable experience.

• You're looking for practical advice and support to navigate the challenges of recovery and postpartum life after a C-section.

What if we could enjoy our births?

We can feel prepared for, calm and confident about C-sections, even if preparing for a different birth.

Do you want proven tools and techniques to support pregnancy, caesarean birth and recovery?

Nobody can predict what will happen. But, you CAN face baby’s birth day with knowledge, feeling in control and with several pain-busting strategies under your belt. You can rock your birth and postnatal period, even if the going gets tough.

Do you want a fantastic understanding of your body and the way birth works?

Knowledge is power. Understanding how your body works and the things you can do to make your own experience better is so important. Too often, we're taught that birth is a process that happens that we have no control over, especially with C-sections - but there is SO much we can do to stack the cards in our favour to make birth and recovery easier.

Do you want to be confident and feel fully prepared for any eventuality? Even future pregnancies and births?

When it comes to birth, recovery, baby's early days, getting used to the new family unit and thinking ahead to more children - anything could happen!

But to learn what
could happen, and how to navigate these things with tools and strategies is the best way to prepare.

If you're nodding along then you're not alone...

But you can feel confident about the whole thing. And it all starts by understanding that preparing for a caesarean is as important as preparing for a vaginal birth.

You might have been advised to have a C-section, or you may have decided that the a caesarean birth is for you. However you birth, you can achieve an amazing, positive birth, on your terms. And when you have a positive birth, the early days of parenting are that much easier.

We'll take you through everything you need to know when preparing for having a baby by C-section. How to keep any feelings of stress, anxiety or loss of control to a minimum! How to navigate the maternity system to get your desired outcome.

The way you birth impacts your early parenting journey. It can take a while to find your confidence, especially when also recovering from a C-section. Taking control of your own journey is so important.

Start your journey off confidently, having taken control of the controllables when it comes to pregnancy, birth and recovery.

Mum and baby having skin to skin contact in theatre after a c-section birth. Baby has a blanket laid over them, and mum is wearing  cap and surgical mask.

That's why I am so excited to welcome you to...

Caesarean mini Antenatal Course

We should all feel confident, prepared and in control for any birth situation.

There are certain things in this life that we can "wing" and get away with it, but birth and parenting works best with planning for all situations. This C-section mini antenatal course will guide you through the pregnancy journey with a caesarean in mind. Helping you to plan for appointments, for your birth, for recovery and those early days of finding your feet with parenting!

This caesarean mini antenatal course is available online, on-demand. Taking you through what to expect from appointments and pre-op assessments, navigating the maternity system, breathing and movement techniques for a more comfortable pregnancy, C-section and recovery, how to can prepare, what to expect from a C-section in the build up, on the day and through recovery, what to expect during your caesarean birth — what will happen and who will be there, different ways to personalise your birth, what to expect as a birth partner, your birth preferences, recovering from your birth - pain relief, tips on getting mobile, early feeding tips and more.

What's covered in our Caesarean Antenatal course?


Preparing for a


We'll get into appointments and birth rights, easy daily exercises both alone and with a birth partner, and hypnobirthing breathing and relaxation exercises to prepare for the best possible pregnancy and birth experience.


Why movement matters

Discover how to ease tension for a more comfortable pregnancy and birth experience - even with a C-section it's important. There will be movements and techniques to practice - daily easy wins.



We have a whole section on Hypnobirthing. Transform any fears around birth into confidence. Practice breathing and relaxation techniques that will be so useful on the c-section day and during recovery


The C-section Day

What happens on the day, how to prepare and feel as confident as possible. We'll go into the process, the people, your choices, and creating the best experience possible.


Birth Partners

Birth partners are so important we have a whole module just for them. To prepare them to support you fully for the whole pregnancy and birth, and after birth too. To help them understand their recovery and transition into parenthood.


Postnatal recovery after a


From the moment baby is born, through the recovery phase and into the 4th trimester. We'll help you navigate the 4th trimester and recovery from a c-section with confidence and tools - simple movement tips, feeding and recovery hacks.

Join Now for just £21

What makes CubCare Antenatal Classes so special?

We believe in preparing body AND mind for birth

Having a body that isn't restricted, that can move, is so important for the birth journey. Keeping your body moving is vital for easing pregnancy discomfort, but knowing the right way to move is key.

Jilly is a pre and postnatal trained exercise instructor, pregnancy yoga teacher, hypnobirthing instructor AND antenatal teacher. Her decade of experience will help you to make the choices that are right for your body and your baby.

Client Feedback

“Adrian said that everything you taught in the Antenatal Course came in really handy. He knew the stages I was going through and he knew how to deal with me and help me through it.”


Rachel - Active Hypnobirthing Antenatal Course

“I felt completely in control for the entire 26 hour labour – I just felt so calm, the breaths were incredible and the consultant commented on how she couldn’t believe I’d refused an epidural. I felt confident enough to question and on occasion challenge recommendations of the midwives so that the birth ended up being as natural as possible! A very positive experience to look back on. Thank you!!”


Stephanie - Active Hypnobirthing Antenatal classes

“We were so glad we chose this course. Comprehensive without being too overwhelming, and really set us up to feel prepared and react calmly to the inevitable hiccups of birth and the first days with a new baby.”

Aki - Antenatal Course Welwyn Garden City

Hi, I'm Jilly and I'm your teacher...

I know the power of good antenatal education, I've been a hypnobirthing, active birth and antenatal teacher since 2014. I have created this course to incorporate the best there is to offer.

I came into this business after a difficult birth experience with my first, and wanted to find a different way for any future babies I had. The information I'd received at my NCT Antenatal Classes didn't prepare me for the realities of giving birth in the NHS. And I've discovered during the past 10 years that other popular antenatal courses also don't prepare you for the realities - they focus more on the social aspect, which I spend a lot of time focusing on after baby has been born.

I discovered through my training, how amazing it is to combine hypnobirthing and body mechanics science. Safe to say, my second birth experience was a world away from my first – and one I still smile about now, 8 years on! And what I didn't anticipate is how much better my postnatal and parenting experience was, because I'd had a birth where I felt in control.

What I learned is that when you do proper research ahead of time and put together a properly informed birth plan, when you understand the birth process and how to work with your body, when you have a whole bunch of tricks up your sleeve for coping with labour sensations…you can turn any birth journey into a positive one.

Jilly Clarke, founder of CubCare Antenatal and Baby, smiling at the camera


Is the C-section course available online, and can I access it at any time?

Yes, the course is entirely online and on-demand, allowing you to complete it at your own pace, whenever it’s convenient. It is designed into small sections so its easy to dip in and out when time allows.

How long does it take to complete the C-section course?

The course is designed to be flexible and can typically be completed within 2–3 hours, though you can spread it out over multiple sessions. There are some recommended movement and relaxation elements that are designed to be done daily if possible - but simple techniques that would take 5-10 minutes and are really helpful to ease discomfort and aid relaxation and sleep.

Who delivers the course?

Everything is taught by Jilly, a experienced antenatal and postnatal teacher. My training has been centred around teaching clients about birth, and I'm not a midwife so I don't have to abide by NHS policies. This allows me to teach you in a completely balanced way, putting your needs ahead of the system.

Is this useful for birth partners to learn about everything?

There's a whole section for birth partners, giving them their own tips for birth, the different stages, things to look out for, getting them used to the breathing techniques and most importantly giving them practical tips to help you in pregnancy, during birth and in the postnatal days too!

What happens after I book?

You'll have immediate access to our digital on-demand course with access for 12 months from purchase. You’ll have 12 months ongoing access to downloadable resources, including checklists, recovery tips, and guidance on caring for your newborn after a C-section.

What topics are covered in the C-section online course?

The course includes detailed information on C-section preparation, what to expect during the procedure, recovery tips, emotional support, and newborn care post-surgery.

Is there any interaction with instructors or other participants?

While the course is on-demand, there are opportunities for Q&A with CubCare experts through scheduled virtual consultations or group forums.

How soon should I take the course during my pregnancy?

It’s recommended to take the course during your second or third trimester, but you can start anytime that feels right for you to feel prepared for a C-section.


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

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