Baby Sleep Course Online

The on-demand Baby Sleep course

If you're preparing for life with a newborn and wondering how to manage those sleepless nights, this Newborn Sleep mini course will give you the tools and knowledge you need.

This course will help you understand your baby’s sleep biology, the role of hormones, and how their development affects their sleep patterns. This infant sleep course provide practical tips for setting up healthy circadian rhythms, understanding normal newborn sleep behaviour, and ways to get more rest for both you and your baby. You'll also learn about common sleep challenges, how to approach them, and when to seek help if needed.

We’ll explore why "sleeping through the night" isn't a realistic expectation and ensure you’re confident in creating a safe sleeping environment.

Our CubCare Newborn sleep course is there to provide support and encouragement to help shape sleep for the future.

Does this sound like you?

• You're unsure about what's normal for newborn sleep and want guidance on how to handle common sleep challenges?

• You want to better understand your baby’s natural sleep patterns and how to work with them, not against them?

• You're eager to create a restful environment for your baby while also finding ways for you and your family to get more sleep?

What if we could enjoy our baby instead of focusing on sleep?

We can feel confident in our baby's ability to get enough sleep, whilst enjoying our own rest too

Do you want to understand how to set up healthy sleep habits that work with your baby’s natural rhythms?

In this course you'll learn how newborn sleep cycles differ from adult sleep and how to establish healthy sleep habits that align with your baby’s natural biological rhythms. We’ll cover how biology impacts sleep, and provide you with practical tips for setting up a routine that supports better sleep. By working with your baby’s natural patterns, you’ll create a more restful environment and set the foundation for healthier sleep as they grow.

Do you want practical strategies to help your baby sleep better and get more rest for yourself?

We’ll dive into proven techniques for soothing and settling your baby, setting up an effective sleep routine, and creating a calm sleep environment. You’ll also learn ways to maximize your own rest, even when your baby’s sleep is unpredictable. With these practical tips, you’ll feel more in control of sleep challenges and better equipped to get the rest you need during those early months.

Do you want to feel confident in managing common newborn sleep issues and know when to seek help?

We’ll help you recognize and manage common newborn sleep challenges, such as frequent waking, short naps, and fussiness at bedtime. You'll gain insights into what's normal for newborn sleep, how to troubleshoot issues, and when to adjust your approach. We’ll also cover the signs that may indicate a need for professional help, so you can feel confident in knowing when to seek guidance. By the end, you'll be better prepared to handle sleep issues calmly and effectively, ensuring your baby—and you—get the rest you need.

If you're nodding along then you're not alone...

But you can feel confident about the parenting, with sleep being part of the puzzle.

You might be feeling overwhelmed by the sleepless nights ahead or unsure about how to handle your baby's sleep patterns.

Whether you’re already struggling or just want to be prepared, this infant baby sleep course will empower you to create positive sleep habits for your newborn, setting you both up for more rest and calmer days.

This Newborn Sleep Course will guide you through everything you need to know to support your baby’s sleep, helping you feel confident and in control.

From soothing techniques to understanding sleep cycles, and understanding sleep personalities. You’ll learn how to navigate the early days with less stress and more ease.

Sleep is such a key part of your baby's development, and one that can be full of worry. The way you approach it impacts your parenting experience from day one.

Take charge of your newborn’s sleep journey and give yourself the best start to these precious early months—feeling informed, rested, and ready for whatever comes your way.

A sleeping baby resting on the shoulder of a parent

That's why I am so excited to welcome you to...

Baby Sleep Course

We should all feel confident, prepared in parenting. And sleep takes up a bit part of that journey!

This Newborn Sleep mini course will guide you through everything you need to know to support healthy, restful sleep for your baby, right from the start. Whether you're preparing for your little one’s arrival or already feeling the exhaustion of sleepless nights, this course will help you plan for all sleep scenarios.

This newborn baby sleep course is available online, on-demand. Taking you through everything from understanding your baby’s natural sleep cycles and setting up healthy habits no matter your parenting style, to managing common sleep challenges and knowing when to seek help. You'll learn practical tips for creating a calming sleep environment, setting realistic expectations, and ensuring everyone in the family gets the rest they need.

Let us help you take control of your baby's sleep journey and start parenthood feeling confident and well-rested.

What's covered in our Newborn Baby Sleep course?


Understanding baby sleep

We'll get into biology of baby sleep, why some babies need more than others. Temperaments/personality, hormones, sleep structure, development, expectations and different stages of sleep.


Creating a sleep enhancing environment

We'll get into safety, hygiene (good sleep rules), light, sounds, temperature and other useful sleep enhancing things.


Routines and patterns

Routines often come with a bad reputation - but familiar patterns are helpful when navigating life with a newborn. We'll discuss all about routines, calming tips and creating a sense of familiarity and safety around sleep.


Sleep Skills

This is where we go deep - we'll cover everything you need to know for helping baby to develop sleep skills. From habit layering to responding to night waking. Naps out and whether contact naps are good or bad (I'm a big fan when they work for the family!)


Sleep challenges and solutions

From "regressions" to illness, night feeds to time changes. Developmental advances to teething and trouble with adult sleep. We'll discuss all the most common sleep challenges and provide flexible and family centred solutions.


Teamwork and support

It is a whole family effort to raise a family and we'll go into how to work as a team when managing night-time parenting.


Common sleep training methods

Most babies don't need "sleep training" because they are biologically designed to sleep when they need it and for as long as they need. But we'll cover the main methods of sleep training so you can see what might work for you.

Join Now for just £21

What makes CubCare Baby Development courses so special?

We believe in preparing educating AND building confidence

You know your baby best. You know how you feel instinctively about parenting techniques

Jilly is a pre and postnatal trained exercise instructor, pregnancy yoga teacher, hypnobirthing instructor AND antenatal teacher. Her decade of experience will help you to make the choices that are right for your body and your baby.

Client Feedback

“Adrian said that everything you taught in the Antenatal Course came in really handy. He knew the stages I was going through and he knew how to deal with me and help me through it.”


Rachel - Active Hypnobirthing Antenatal Course

“I felt completely in control for the entire 26 hour labour – I just felt so calm, the breaths were incredible and the consultant commented on how she couldn’t believe I’d refused an epidural. I felt confident enough to question and on occasion challenge recommendations of the midwives so that the birth ended up being as natural as possible! A very positive experience to look back on. Thank you!!”


Stephanie - Active Hypnobirthing Antenatal classes

“We were so glad we chose this course. Comprehensive without being too overwhelming, and really set us up to feel prepared and react calmly to the inevitable hiccups of birth and the first days with a new baby.”

Aki - Antenatal Course Welwyn Garden City

Hi, I'm Jilly and I'm your teacher...

I know the power of good antenatal education, I've been a hypnobirthing, active birth and antenatal teacher since 2014. I have created this course to incorporate the best there is to offer.

I came into this business after a difficult birth experience with my first, and wanted to find a different way for any future babies I had. The information I'd received at my NCT Antenatal Classes didn't prepare me for the realities of giving birth in the NHS. And I've discovered during the past 10 years that other popular antenatal courses also don't prepare you for the realities - they focus more on the social aspect, which I spend a lot of time focusing on after baby has been born.

I discovered through my training, how amazing it is to combine hypnobirthing and body mechanics science. Safe to say, my second birth experience was a world away from my first – and one I still smile about now, 8 years on! And what I didn't anticipate is how much better my postnatal and parenting experience was, because I'd had a birth where I felt in control.

What I learned is that when you do proper research ahead of time and put together a properly informed birth plan, when you understand the birth process and how to work with your body, when you have a whole bunch of tricks up your sleeve for coping with labour sensations…you can turn any birth journey into a positive one.

Jilly Clarke, founder of CubCare Antenatal and Baby, smiling at the camera


Do I really need an antenatal course?

Your will remember your baby’s birth day for a very long time, and it will have a big impact on your early parenting journey. By accessing antenatal education you can learn about your choices and give you the best start to the journey.

I am planning a c-section birth is this class still worth it?

Yes absolutely! This course covers pregnancy, birth and also managing more than one baby through the 4th trimester. There are so many reasons why our antenatal classes are so important if you are planning another c-section. The course will give you tips on managing recovery, and will provide hints and tips for making life easier after a c-section. Depending on the reason why a caesarean might be the best option for you, there may be a chance that your baby has other ideas before the date. And our movement sessions will help towards a more comfortable pregnancy. So, having prepared for all eventualities you will be calmer and feeling more in control of the situation.

How is CubCare different from other antenatal courses in Welwyn Garden City?

Everything is taught by Jilly, a experienced antenatal and postnatal teacher. My training has been centred around teaching clients about birth, and I'm not a midwife so I don't have to abide by NHS policies. This allows me to teach you in a completely balanced way, putting your needs ahead of the system.

Is this useful for birth partners to learn about everything?

There's a whole section for birth partners, giving them their own tips for birth, the different stages, things to look out for, getting them used to the breathing techniques and most importantly giving them practical tips to help you in pregnancy, during birth and in the postnatal days too!

What happens after I book?

On our booking thank you page you'll get a link to complete a short form to include some more information about you. You'll also get an email immediately letting you know how to book your pregnancy yoga classes and access our digital course. You'll have immediate access to our digital on-demand course with access for 12 months from purchase. I'll be in contact through email with all the venue and class information you need and a link to your group's WhatsApp group.

Why don't you include a social session?

Do you need to pay a company to meet up with your group? No.

You pay me to deliver education that will make your pregnancy, birth and recovery that little bit easier. There is time in class to check-in and get to know everyone, but my support doesn't end after the course either. I run baby classes from newborn through to age 3 - so I really am all about community. I strongly encourage you to meet up with your group, and use the WhatsApp group. And I will arrange a postnatal session for you all after the babies have arrived.

What happens if I miss a class?

Our digital on-demand course will cover everything you need to know and I will direct you to the bits that were covered in your missed class.

We can have an extra catch up at the beginning or end of the next session if you have any questions.

Are these classes similar to NCT, Bump and Baby Club or Happy Parents Happy Baby?

Do you need to pay a company to meet up with your group? No.

In short, no. On the face of it? Yes. Our Antenatal Course offers so much more than any alternative provider – most commonly the NCT or Bump and Baby Club. Our CubCare Active Hypnobirthing Antenatal Course has been developed from 10 years experience in the field. I am experienced in antenatal education, movement education, postnatal education and babywearing education. I draw upon my experience and strengths to provide clients with tools and techniques they will be able to use pre labour, during labour and after birth. We cover, in real depth, hypnobirthing, active birth, and more medical aspects of birth too. Nothing is an afterthought or an add on. A CubCare Antenatal Course will make sure you know everything there is to know. Our course hours are actual taught hours. And I believe that your time is valuable and your money should be spent on education and empowerment. Although I can promise good snacks and time to form bonds and friendships! There is ongoing support from Jilly (not a faceless person from the customer service department). And I have full, local NHS service knowledge. I work closely with local midwives and the NHS Maternity service at both Lister and Barnet hospitals.


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

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