Babywearing Dance Class Welwyn Hatfield

Fun and social babywearing dance classes

A weekly dance class for adult and baby, from approx. 8 weeks until 2 years. No experience necessary, it's all about the fun!

Does this sound like you?

• You love to dance, whether you have any dance ability or not. You hear music and you have to move your body.

• You have a baby and are looking for things to do with them

• You'd like to find real friendships and have fun on maternity leave

Three babies sitting on the floor surrounded with toys whilst Jilly reads them a story at a CubCare Wriggers Baby Yoga and Sensory class Welwyn Hatfield
A baby sitting with their back to the camera, wearing fairy wings at a CubCare Baby Yoga and Sensory baby class in Welwyn Hatfield
Two babies with bunny ears on sitting amongst toys at a CubCare Wrigglers Baby Yoga and sensory class in Welwyn Hatfield

This class will be right up your street...

Dancing makes you happy. Maybe you grew up dancing and haven't done it in years, maybe you've never had a lesson in your life but you'd love to try something different. Maybe you want to make the most of maternity leave and find a new passion.

You dream of finding that group of parent friends who have your back and understand you. Let me tell you, it'll be much easier to find them whilst sharing a common shared interest. A shared interest that brings fun and joy, what could be better?

Nobody is on your same path, but there is magic in a group of people coming together to support one another. Finding a class where you are welcomed each week, where wins and milestones are celebrated by everybody as if it was one big family. Where support is given without question, and there's a genuine sincerity to the words "how has your week been".

You CAN parent your own way. With confidence and knowledge. Feeling in control (at least some of the time!) and having fun with your little one. You CAN feel at home in a class where everybody comes together to cheer everyone else on (and up!).

You can rock parenting, and you can find your tribe.

A group of mums at a CubCare Babywearing Dance class

That's why I am so excited to welcome you to...

Babywearing Dance classes in Welwyn Hatfield

Our fun, friendly and high energy babywearing dance class from around 8 weeks to around 2 years old. Have fun learning simple dance routines, whilst wearing your baby in a sling or carrier.

Developed by Jilly, a ex-dancer (and cheerleader!), postnatal exercise instructor and a babywearing consultant. This class is designed to be great fun, whilst boosting feel good hormones, getting gentle exercise, learning about babywearing, bonding with your baby AND making friends. Guaranteed you'll have fun and laugh your way through the class.

With a library of simple dance routines to well-known, catchy songs, you'll be feeling energised, and feeling good at the end of every class.

We start each class making sure everybody is happy and comfortable with their carriers (if you don't have your own you are welcome to borrow from our library of carriers). As a trained babywearing consultant, you can be sure of safety and comfort.

Each class ends with a drink, a biscuit and the chance to chat with everyone in the class. We're as much about community as we are about babywearing and dance.

Our classes run as a block booking (5 or 10 sessions) or PAYG in Welwyn and Welwyn Garden City – perfect for those in Stevenage, Knebworth, Hatfield, Wheathampstead, Brookmans Park or Potters Bar.

What's covered in our Babywearing Dance classes?



Don't worry about complex choreography! CubCare's babywearing dance classes feature simple dance routines that are easy to follow, even for beginners. These routines are great fun, and put together with well known, catchy music. Perfect for getting you and your little one moving together. The focus is on having fun and enjoying the connection, not mastering intricate steps, or burning calories and energy. We are not a fitness class, but a fun dance class. The beauty lies in the simplicity – it allows you to bond with your baby through movement while getting a gentle workout yourself!


Babywearing tips and advice

Feeling unsure about how to wear your baby comfortably for dance? No problem! CubCare's babywearing dance classes incorporate expert tips and advice on safe and secure babywearing specifically for movement. Learn proper positioning for optimal comfort for both you and your little one. This not only ensures a safe and enjoyable experience, but also allows you to focus on the joy of dancing together without worrying about carrying worries. Jilly is a trained babywearing consultant, so you won't find ill-fitting, uncomfortable and forward facing carriers here.


Social Time

CubCare's babywearing dance classes aren't just about the moves – they're about building community! Surround yourself with other parents who understand the joys and challenges of parenthood. Everybody is welcome, mum, dad, whatever you call yourself - as long as you have a little one (who belongs to you) you can join in! This newfound community can be a source of invaluable advice, friendship, and a reminder that you're not alone in this incredible journey of parenting.

Client Feedback

I have made some fab friends. We have a WhatsApp group where we share all the great, gross, up and downs of parenting. As well as just being friends who are there for each other when we need it. It’s been an awesome place for us all to make new and lifelong friendships. Without Jilly, I don’t think that would of happened."


Stacey - Baby Yoga and Sensory classes, Welwyn Hatfield

Jilly is so lovely and friendly and also very professional and runs well-paced classes. Jilly is gifted at creating a warm, welcoming environment so that you get to know the other women and/or babies. Unlike other baby classes, these classes allow you time to share milestones, worries and seek support at the same time as having lots of fun with your baby and a laugh with the other parents."


Nadene - Baby Yoga and Sensory classes Welwyn Hatfield

There is plenty of opportunity to talk with other mums during the class too. Jilly is amazing at what she does and has such a nurturing and natural manner with the babies. I would definitely recommend!"

Sarah - Baby Yoga and Sensory classes Welwyn Hatfield

Why Choose CubCare for your postnatal classes?

I’m Jilly, founder of CubCare. I know the power of a supportive and fun dance class. I have created CubCare babywearing dance to incorporate the best there is to offer in Welwyn Hatfield.

I came into this business after not finding a support network locally when I had my first baby. I had to travel to another town to find a class that was friendly, supportive and fun. Where everybody was an equal and not already in an established group of friends - or at least receptive to adding to their group!

I created Babywearing Dance because I know how amazing it is to have a class where you can just have fun, where you and your child are remembered each week and not just a number on a register. To have the teacher who's willing to be silly, make mistakes and help everyone to feel on the same level.

To make a difference to your mood, after a difficult night or a tricky week. To be there with a smile, a supportive hug if you need it, and a giggle as we release endorphins through dancing - it is the best feeling to be a happy part of your life.

Jilly Clarke, founder of CubCare Antenatal and Baby, smiling at the camera

Important CubCare Babywearing Dance class Information

Each session will be 1 hour long with 10-15 minutes at the beginning of each class available to check carriers, feed or change baby. There will be time at the end for a drink, a biscuit and a chat.

The class is Thursdays1.40pm, Digswell Welwyn

Although we don't run in term dates, it is a PAYG or block booking class, we still run to the school terms (with the occasional class running during half term)


Weekly from October 2024

You can book a block of 5 or 10 sessions and then book on to each class individually, or you can book PAYG for a specific date, if space is available.

From each class you can expect:

* Time at the beginning of each class to check the fit of your carrier if needed

* Fun and easy dances to do whilst wearing your baby - carrier friendly

* A trained babywearing consultant and exercise specialist to keep you having fun and safe

* Social time to create your community and make friends

Babywearing dance classes in Welwyn Hatfield take place at Digswell Village Hall,
30 Harmer Green Ln, Digswell, Welwyn AL6 0AT. Babywearing Dance classes are perfect for for those in Welwyn Garden City, Welwyn, Hatfield, Potters Bar, Stevenage, St Albans, Wheathampstead, and Knebworth.


Do I need a sling/carrier?

You don’t need your own carrier and they can be loaned for the class for Free (just let us know upon booking your space). As a qualified Babywearing Consultant I will support you in fitting if needed. We have carriers to fit all body shapes and babies ages. All carriers are washed and/or sanitized after each use. Have your own carrier but need help? No problem. We can help you in the first 15 minutes of class. You won’t need to arrive early for carrier fitting and help, as we sort this during the first 15 minutes of class.

Are there any carriers that are unsuitable?

Carriers NOT suitable for class: Narrow based carriers where your babies legs dangle straight down (Inc. Baby Bjorn, Mothercare/Mamas & Papas/Aldi own brand, Chicco, Babyway) and Stretchy Wraps/Close Caboos.

Babies can be carried on the front, hip or back. We ask you not to outward face during class. Our instructors can support you to inward face so you and your baby are happy.

Is it safe?

Safety is our priority. Our instructors are fully trained babywearing consultants and also dance instruction and pre/postnatal trained. We are here to guide and support you, so you and your baby feel as safe and happy as possible. During the class you will learn about safe babywearing and we are always aware of those that need adjusting or help during class. All routines have been choreographed with the postnatal body in mind and all our instructors are trained in dance instruction, to ensure that the moves are carried out with care and awareness. As with all movement classes, follow your body and stop/take a break if you feel it is needed.

When can I attend/How old does baby need to be?

Babies can attend from 8 weeks old (corrected, if premature) following your postnatal check ups. We just ask that baby is over 7lb/3.1kg in weight. We ask that if you want to join following a C-Section that you wait until 12 weeks. If you are active and feel well before 12 weeks following a C-Section please feel free to book on to class but notify us at the point of booking. We have babies from 8 weeks old up to 2 yrs old as long as you feel comfortable wearing your baby/toddler you are welcome to join us at any stage. Older siblings who are able to participate (Or bring an I-pad & snacks…no judgment here!) 

Twins are always very welcome (at no extra charge) again please just mention this during the booking process.

Can I bring twins/multiples?

Yes absolutely!

Twins and multiples are always welcome and there is no extra cost.

We have a few options:

  • You can tandem wear (One on the front and one on the back) once they have good neck support, and we can fit you in our carriers and make sure you are all safe and comfy

  • If both you and the instructor are comfortable to; they can wear one of your babies for you.

  • If we have space we are also happy for you to bring an extra person at no extra cost so you can each wear a baby. Just contact us ahead if booking to ensure we have space to accommodate you both.

  • You can have one in the pushchair/car seat and wear the other.

What happens if we need to miss a class?

We totally understand that things happen and you may need to miss a class. As long as a class is cancelled with at least 24 hours notice before class then you can keep your credit, otherwise unfortunately classes are non-refundable. PAYG bookings are non-refundable.

What do I need to wear/bring?

For You 

  • Comfy clothing that you would wear to be active in. For example leggings and a t-shirt/vest

  • Ideally trainers. Please don’t wear flip flops, sandals, ugg boots or heels as they are a trip hazard – please expect to dance barefoot if you arrive wearing these.

  • Bring a full bottle of water – all venues have access to a tap for re-fills as needed.

  • Sling/Carrier

For Baby

  • Comfy clothing. We recommend 1 layer as the carrier is classed as a layer. Too many layers or jumpers and you may both get too warm

  • Feeding/Changing supplies

Do I need to be fit/have dance experience?

No! The class is designed with a postnatal body in mind with an emphasis on being active and enjoying movement, not fitness. Routines are demonstrated with easy-to-follow steps, it really is about having fun coordinated or not!

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