Midwife led antenatal classes Welwyn

Is a midwife taught antenatal class best?

CubCare Babywearing consultant Welwyn Hatfield

Advanced babywearing

Is a midwife taught antenatal class best?

This question isn’t asked very often, but the question does sometimes come up. With our CubCare antenatal classes I find that the answer is always very easy.

A midwife is absolutely your best friend for your medical antenatal care. They provide amazing care and support to you and your baby. Medical professionals who are highly trained. Highly skilled in ensuring a medically safe arrival of baby. Trained in taking bloods, performing medical checks and interpreting results. With special magic powers for knowing baby’s position just by the slightest touch. They can do so much more medically then I could ever write down. Midwives are professionals who will often go above and beyond to give you the very best medical care.

But not all midwives would make ideal antenatal teachers.

Presenting to an audience, guiding a group through an educational journey, taking different learning styles into consideration so that everybody can get the best out of the course. Teaching is not for everyone.

So, while your midwife may be the best thing since sliced bread as a midwife, they might not be the best antenatal teachers.

But a midwife can answer my questions on pregnancy?

You may find a “midwife led” antenatal class and think it would be a benefit. But having a teacher who is fully up to date with your rights in childbirth would benefit you much more.

Anybody can learn about the birthing process. That process has been going on for millions of years and anybody can become an expert.

A midwife antenatal teacher (as with all antenatal teachers!) will be unable to answer personal medical questions relating to your pregnancy. So, having a midwife deliver your antenatal classes will not help you receive medical advice.

Your first port of call in that respect is your own midwife. Somebody with access to your own medical history and records.

What to look for with antenatal classes

When looking for an antenatal class, your best best is to find somebody knowledgeable, passionate, personable and willing to do the work to make the best experience for their clients.

Somebody who will be there for you throughout pregnancy and through the first year of baby’s life. Continuity. A friendly familiar face.

During my ten years teaching over 1000 clients, there are very few questions that I have been unable to answer. But when it does happen, I always go away and research.

I know where to find the evidence and if I ever struggle, I can reach out to the community of 100+ fellow antenatal teachers across the UK.

Your antenatal teacher should be highly trained in delivering education and empowering their clients.

As an independent teacher, I do not have to be careful with their employer i.e. the local hospital trust, or larger antenatal course organisation. A non-midwife will only need to consider you, the client. If something feels uncomfortable you do not have to go along with anything just because “it is how it is done” in hospital policy.

An independent, non-midwife antenatal teacher can help you to understand the harsh realities of the medical system at the moment and help you to confidently prepare for it.

We can give you proven techniques from our years of teaching, research and learning.

A midwife is absolutely your best friend for your medical antenatal care. With special magic powers for knowing baby’s position just by the slightest touch."

Jilly Clarke

How am I, Jilly Clarke, a qualified antenatal teacher?

My knowledge of the subject matter is deeply etched in my brain. I have read books, investigated research and guidelines, and immersed myself so much in learning that I trained as an antenatal teacher twice!

I personally have been teaching for ten years. And I have used the techniques during birth too.

I have also trained as a Pregnancy Yoga teacher, Postnatal Doula, and a Babywearing Consultant to continue the support with families. I also have a hypnobirthing diploma and I am a level 3 qualified pre and postnatal exercise specialist. I’ve trained with the best active birth and biomechanics specialists – I know birthing bodies, and I know how birth works.

So, you can trust what I teach. I am constantly upgrading my knowledge and keeping abreast of new research and information.

As a highly trained antenatal and baby teacher, I have gone through a year-long in depth 600-hour learning programme.

A year to get us highly qualified to teach you about labour, birth and using your body to help this process. Empowering our clients by instilling confidence and delivering education.

CubCare Antenatal Class graduates

CubCare Pregnancy Yoga and Hypnobirthing - to prepare your body and mind

As you can see, you do not need to be a midwife to deliver the classes. To gain my qualification I had to undertake an intense full year of training, assessment and complete several assignments to become a Daisy Foundation trained teacher. Always remaining up to date with current research and policy and communicate this to clients in a clear and user-friendly way.

Your journey is my commitment. Throughout your baby’s first year of life I am there.

You can have confidence in a Cubcare antenatal course.

Some special client words about CubCare Antenatal Classes

“This labour was SO much better than the first. Your CubCare refresher antenatal course helped so much for the labour, it was much calmer than the first and much more controlled. The breathing techniques were so helpful – I breathed her out!”

“I felt completely in control for the entire 26 hour labour – I just felt so calm, the breaths were incredible and the consultant commented on how she couldn’t believe I’d refused an epidural. I felt confident enough to question and on occasion challenge recommendations of the midwives so that the birth ended up being as natural as possible! A very positive experience to look back on. Thank you!!”

"Jilly has a talent for creating a really welcoming, friendly and safe space which is great for mums and babies alike. The CubCare Antenatal classes are informative and fun, yet relaxed."

Download our Freebies

CubCare Labour And Birth Antenatal Class Introduction

Labour and Birth

Watch our introduction to antenatal education webinar, our labour and birth overview - to start your antenatal education journey. Understanding the process, and what you can do to influence it.

Pregnancy Planner

Free Pregnancy Planner to help you prepare for a little one. Prepare your body, your mind, your finances and your home. Get organised, feel good and prepare for an active, positive birth.

Birth Partner Guide

Your ultimate guide to being the best birth partner during pregnancy, birth and recovery. Learn what you need to do, and what you need to learn to be the best birth partner possible.

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