Baby Massage Class Welwyn

Benefits of a baby massage class – Tinies Baby Massage Cubs style

CubCare Tinies Baby Massage class in Welwyn Garden City

Looking for a baby massage class in Welwyn?

Do an online search for a first baby class for tiny babies, baby massage is most likely the top answer.

Baby massage is a wonderful skill to learn, and a wonderful first baby class to attend with your new baby. You may wonder though, why you need to leave the house when there are so many baby massage tutorials online. You would be forgiven for thinking that at such a young age a baby would not benefit from a baby class at all and it would be totally pointless going.

Whilst I cannot make a broad sweeping statement about all baby massage classes around Welwyn, I know that this is where all the other elements of a Baby Massage Cubs class are so important.

The chance to chat to other people, to share the highs and the lows in a safe, supportive environment.

The chance to move yourself, to ease out tense muscles from caring for baby whilst recovering from birth.

Opportunities to learn different ways to play with baby, learning why certain movements and techniques are so helpful for baby’s development and happiness.

Five minutes to relax; no matter what baby is doing we find 5 minutes to concentrate on breathing, relaxing muscles and thinking about yourself.

While on paper a baby class is for baby, a Baby Massage Cubs class is mostly for you!

Baby massage is what you may sign up for, but the connection with others, the chance to learn a host of movements, techniques, songs, and rhymes to help with bonding and caring for baby. A first, welcoming glimpse into baby classes and a chance for you to relax is where the value lies.

Benefits of Baby Massage

In those first few weeks you will spend a lot of time getting to know baby, trying to understand every individual squeak, grunt or cry. Introducing baby massage really allows you to slow down, to take some time out to just be with your baby, which can really help you to understand them a bit better. If a baby cries your natural impulse is to hold, cuddle or stroke them. Baby massage is part of this natural impulse.

In our Baby Massage Cubs classes in Welwyn Garden City, we encourage positive welcomed touch. We read and respond to baby’s cues, and only massage when baby is calm and receptive to it. This may mean that for a few weeks of the term that baby is sleeping, feeding, or needing a nappy change during part of the massage section of class. That is totally fine! We repeat our techniques every week and slowly build upon them, but also the class contains so much more value that once baby is ready to go there will be another part of the class that is just as beneficial.

Benefits of regularly massaging baby may include:

  • Helping you and your baby understand each other better

  • Soothing babies and reducing crying

  • Aiding digestion

  • Helping to relieve colic, wind and constipation

  • Helping babies to sleep more deeply and for longer

  • Relieving nasal congestion

  • Relieving teething discomfort

  • Helping develop good muscle tone

  • Improving co-ordination and suppleness

  • Enhancing body awareness

  • Boosting the immune system

  • Improving skin texture

  • Helping to calm and relax both parent and baby

  • Boosting parents’ confidence in handling their baby

Baby Massage Cubs offers a wonderfully relaxed, sociable baby class, focusing on celebrating baby, offering support and friendships. Give it a try and you will most likely find you love it so much that you keep booking again and again.."

Jilly Clarke

Repetition is key for our baby classes

We repeat the techniques several times throughout the term, so even if you cannot physically participate you can still listen, watch, and absorb the techniques to try yourself at home.

If your baby does not seem to enjoy massage right away, do not worry. It is a new experience for you both and it can take a bit of getting used to. Try a few minutes the first time and build up as your child gets more used to it. A Baby Massage Cubs class is about building confidence.

But also, a gentle rubbing of their feet, hands, face, back etc. promotes the same soothing, calming, bonding experience. So even if baby is not receptive to laying down for a massage, or you are unable to because you are out and about then you can still use touch to provide that emotional support and attachment.

Getting hands on baby, providing that skin-on-skin touch does not have to be about removing all clothing and performing a set routine, it can be about a gentle touch and just letting baby know that you are there and loving them.

CubCare Tinies Baby Massage Cubs class

cubCare Tinies Baby Massage Cubs class

Lovely Oxytocin

When we massage our babies, we also help release the hormone oxytocin, which regulates the cortisol or stress levels. In other words, baby massage can help relax our little miracle, reducing periods of crying and consequently aid sleep.

Our other calming techniques we use in class also work to promote oxytocin and relaxation for everyone. You will hopefully leave each class much more relaxed and connected with not only your baby but the outside world as well.

Studies have shown that routine touch and massage can lead to improved mental, emotional and social development. Skin is the first organ to develop and is the largest organ of the body. Touch is such a powerful sense and can bring about so many benefits.

Your baby’s first emotional bonds are built from physical contact, and these serve as the foundation for emotional and intellectual development later in life.

Baby Massage Cubs offers a wonderfully relaxed, sociable baby class, focusing on celebrating baby, offering support and friendships. Give it a try and you will most likely find you love it so much that you keep booking again and again.

The joy is that the class grows as your baby does. They discover new elements of fun in the class, and when they are truly ready to move on, we have our Wrigglers baby classes too. We have got you covered for that first year with baby – and beyond!

Some special client words about CubCare Antenatal Classes

I have made some fab friends. We have a WhatsApp group where we share all the great, gross, up and downs of parenting. As well as just being friends who are there for each other when we need it. It’s been an awesome place for us all to make new and lifelong friendships. Without Jilly, I don’t think that would of happened."

Jilly has a talent for creating a really welcoming, friendly and safe space which is great for mums and babies alike. The classes are informative and fun, yet relaxed, and centrered around the babies, so it’s fine if one is crying, another is asleep and one is having a nappy change! There is plenty of opportunity to talk with other mums during the class too. Jilly is amazing at what she does and has such a nurturing and natural manner with the babies. I would definitely recommend!"

I’ve just completed my first term of Tinies and have loved the chance to learn some baby massage and meet other local mums. Jilly is a great teacher and the classes have a lovely relaxed feel – I would definitely recommend and I’ll be returning for more classes."

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