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Expecting Another Baby Guide

Feel confident about your next journey through birth and parenting with our free eBook.

You want the transition to be the best it can possibly be. Some knowledge and preparation can make birth and welcoming a new baby a positive experience!

• Prepare for another birth and understand all the choices you can make to make this birth a positive experience

• Start to prepare your mind for the childcare and preparation logistics

• Understand that "good enough" is a parenting technique, and whatever gets you through the days is fine!

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The Ultimate Preparing for Another Baby Guide

Huge congratulations!

You are here because you are expecting another baby and you’re possibly feeling a bit daunted by everything that lies ahead?

First of all, what an amazing thing! To be expanding your family, giving a sibling and expanding your love, not only for a new little life, but expanding your love for your existing children too.

You might worry about how your heart can possibly hold any more love, your first child is your world, and your heart is theirs…and then another baby arrives and shows you that you weren’t ever expected to share that pot of love between two (or more), that it will magically expand so that there is more than enough love for everyone!

You’ll love you older children even more for them loving their new sibling! You want the transition to be the best it can possibly be. You want to give your baby, and your child the best start to their new life. Some knowledge and preparation can make birth and welcoming a new baby a positive experience.

Download our free eBook, helping you to navigate expecting another baby! And keep reading for some extra tips.

Top Tips for preparing for another new baby - tips for second timers

Depending on the age of your child(ren), you might want to hold off telling them too early.

That might sound mean, but think how long 6 months is in the life of a 2 or 3 year old?!

They have little sense of time so that wait will be incredibly frustrating for them. Plus, with a new baby being pretty much constant conversation for the next 6 months, it can sometimes lead to a lot of anxiety if the situation is not handled with sensitivity and care.

The free eBook will give you an amazing start to having a new baby, but here are some extra tips that are always useful to remember.

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Tip 1 for preparing for another baby

When you do tell your child(ren) about the new arrival, make sure to put the timeframe into something relatable.

What events will come before baby’s arrival? Their birthday? Christmas? Easter? A summer holiday? A family member’s birthday? Mini countdowns can make a long time seem a little less endless for small minds.

Show them the baby app with the different size of baby each week or show them bump pictures from when they were inside your tummy. Get them involved in creating bump pictures for this pregnancy too – it is a great opportunity to get them involved and feeling special, whilst creating those treasured memory pictures that you will look back on fondly.

If they get impatient to meet the baby, remind them of all the growing that baby still needs to do and all the help they need to do before baby arrives!

Tip 2 for preparing for a second or third baby

Don’t forget about antenatal education.

Most NHS or even paid antenatal courses and classes focus on a first-time parent to be. It is easy to feel like there isn’t anything for you to learn for a second, or third baby.

But there is SO much you need to understand and prepare for.

How was/were your previous birth experiences?

Do you want to have a different experience, or do your best to ensure that your labour and birth are as good as they can possibly be again?

Find a local antenatal refresher course, a class for people pregnant and expecting baby number 2, 3, 4 or even beyond. Meet other people who are expecting another baby at a similar time to you, to share advice and go through it together. Take some time out for this pregnancy, this baby, and prepare for this birth.

You’ll find more on this in our eBook.

Tip 3 for preparing for a second or third baby

Think about preparing your child(ren) for a new baby as a long game.

I know I said above to consider waiting to tell them about baby until a little closer to the time, but you can still prepare them for the concept, and do the necessary things with plenty of time ahead of the new arrival.

Books – we love books in our house, so these are always a winner for introducing new ideas gently. We particularly liked “There’s A House inside my Mummy”, and also bought “Topsy and Tim: The New Baby”.

There are tons on the market / available to borrow from the library, that you could explore together. You could change the words a little to make it more relatable / realistic for our own circumstances (changed the babies to girls, said the babies were breastfeeding, etc.)

Talk about babies and make it relatable – Do you know anyone else your little one’s age with a younger sibling? Who else do you know with siblings? Talk about what the babies do – they need to sleep a lot, they can’t do very much at first and need to sleep, be held and feed a lot – what can they do to help? Open up the conversation!

If possible, try to do any big changes no closer than 3 months before baby is due. If bigger children need to move bedrooms, move into a big bed to give the cot to baby, potty train, move to a new room in nursery, move house etc. Try to leave at least 2-3 months between that change and the new baby. It’s not always possible, but they’ll be less likely to link and changes that might feel hard, to the arrival of their sibling.

As I say in the eBook, some days will feel like the hardest thing in the world, but some days you’ll feel like you have everything mastered.

It’s a journey.

Sometimes, the jump from 1-2 is less of a shock than 0-1. Sometimes it’s the other way round. 2-3 can seem unmanageable or the baby can slot right in.

It is all normal.

And temporary x

CubCare Labour And Birth Antenatal Class Introduction

Labour and Birth

Watch our introduction to antenatal education webinar, our labour and birth overview - to start your antenatal education journey. Understanding the process, and what you can do to influence it.

Pregnancy Planner

Free Pregnancy Planner to help you prepare for a little one. Prepare your body, your mind, your finances and your home. Get organised, feel good and prepare for an active, positive birth.

Birth Partner Guide

Your ultimate guide to being the best birth partner during pregnancy, birth and recovery. Learn what you need to do, and what you need to learn to be the best birth partner possible.

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